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Social Media Marketing Fun!

I started teaching a Social Media Marketing for Business course at the Lloydminster Learning Council in the Fall of 2016. I really like this gig. It's a great way to meet people I might normally wouldn't and it gives me a lot of insight on where different kinds of business owners are with social media use in their businesses. There's been an interesting mix of brick and mortar owners, home based sales, artists, people working for organizations and others just exploring new business options.

Everyone is in a different place, both technically and on how they actually view social media. It makes getting all the information I want to get out hit and miss, because there's a lot to know. And then there's still all the stuff I don't even know... yeah lots of info. And not everyone is actually a social media user personally, so there's that too.

What I really want to impart on the learners is that you just need to do it, then you'll get practiced and then it's easy. Don't be afraid to try new apps, click on mystery buttons and explore the internet for information on whatever subject to learn more about. You can do it!!!

Adult students in classroom.

Here are some of the graduates from the last class before summer break. It was a good group and I think they learned enough to get them off to a good start. Thanks for letting me take your picture and posting it, y'all!

Ill be teaching the course again again in the fall, in October and November. I'll also be teaching some introductory classes on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Snapchat. If you're interested or know someone else who might be, you can register for the classes through the Lloydminster Learning Council.

In other Social Media news, I passed the Hootsuite Social Marketing exam and got certified. It's at least SOMETHING to back me up until I get a portfolio together again! Check it out here.

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