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Do You Even Blog, Bro? How to Start Blogging for your Business

So let me start off by saying: "I am the shoemaker with no shoes!" There, I said it. Well maybe I have one shoe, and I'm working on the other one.

Yes, blogging on a regular basis is hard. It's easy to push the task aside when you have client work on your desk or emails to answer, and I am guilty of doing just that. Or maybe you just aren't a "writer". But in today's "content marketing" reality, blogging is one of the best ways to promote yourself and your business online, and I know that. It's just building the habit that is the hard part for me, but I'm committed to trying! So if you are like me, and you know you need to blog, here's how to get started:

Get Your Blogging Platform Set Up

The first thing you'll have to do is get a blogging platform set up. There is a multitude of options here. If you have a website built already, check to see if the content management system has a blogging platform. If your website is a Wordpress site, you're golden. Wordpress was initially created as a blogging platform and evolved into a website content management system. If you are on Wix or Squarespace they have blogging apps built in and are super easy to set up.

If you don't have a website (why don't you have a website???) or your current website doesn't have blogging capabilities built in, there are a few free options. Google's Blogger is a great place to start. You can customize the design to a certain extent and it's easy to use. There is also, Medium, and Ghost, all with free plans and their own advantages and disadvantages.

Decide What You're Going to Write About

"Well, I'm going to write about my business, right?" Yeah, sort of. What you really need to write is content that relates to your business, but gives value to the customers or potential customers who will be reading it. So if you're an accountant, you might want to write about tax saving tips or basic business bookkeeping. Something that your reader can take away, and keep you top of mind.

One of the best reasons to blog is that it sets you up as an "expert". Writing about a subject that you know and want to be considered a thought leader in is another way to create content.

If you check out my Pinterest, I have lots of pins on blogging. There's plenty of advice online about blogging, too.

Commit to Make it a Habit

Pick a schedule you know you can stick with. I recommend at least once a week. That's what I'm committed to. Every Wednesday I'm going to sit down and crank one out. The more you do it, like any new habit, the easier it will get. I just have to make sure I don't let other work items push it out of the way, and that takes a little planning. Whatever schedule you decide on, stick with it. Posting on a regular basis helps build readership and fans. Once you have regular readers, they'll be expecting content from you.

Do Some Planning

Once you know what and when you are going to blog, do some prep work. Make a list of topics you want to cover. Have at least 3 or 4 in your back pocket, and make notes when an idea pops into your head and it would be perfect for a particular blog.

Also, think about what visuals you may need. Every blog should have a picture or graphic attached to it. Check out my previous blog on Canva for tips on easily creating blog images with it. I started off with some random images, but now I'm going to stick with a format to add some visual consistency and recognition to my blogs. It's easy to do with Canva.

Just Write

So you think that you aren't a great writer. The best way to remedy that is to write, write and write some more. The more you do it, the easier it will get. You'll also start to develop your own style and voice. Authenticity is important, so don't try to emulate someone else's style. It won't feel natural and your readers will be able to tell. Don't be afraid to add some humour or a conversational style, if that's who you are.

If you're worried about technicalities like grammar and spelling, don't be. There's a fantastic tool called Grammarly that you install into your browser (or Word too) and it checks your grammar for you! Sweeeet!

Share If You Care

Ok so you've got your first blog post written and it's a masterpiece! Done! Nope, you've got to share it with your audience.

The various platforms all have ways to share, but some aren't as effective as they should be. You'll want to share a link out to all your social media platforms and include the blog graphic in your social posts. Make sure to post a good time (not 11 pm on Facebook, unless maybe you're a pizza restaurant). If you are a B2B biz, make sure it goes onto your LinkedIn profile (you don't have a LinkedIn profile? OK now we really need to talk). If you send out an email newsletter, be sure to add it to that too.

So I hope this helps you get started with your business blogging. If you get one going or are doing it already, please share it with me, I'd love to take a look. If you need help getting set up, let me know, I'd be happy to work with you to get you blogging, bro!

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